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Clergy and Staff


Rabbi Marc Soloway has been Bonai Shalom’s rabbi since 2004, the same year that he was ordained at The Ziegler School for Rabbinic Studies at The American Jewish University in Los Angeles. His rabbinical training spanned six years in London, Jerusalem, and Los Angeles. Before that, he was an actor and storyteller in his native London, and developed and performed a spirited one-man show of Jewish stories called The Empty Chair, as well as a show for children called The Jewish Princess and Other Stories. He was also a practitioner of complementary medicine, including massage and cranial-sacral therapy. He values dialogue and diversity and is a jubilant supporter of the chicken and goat co-op.

Rabbi Marc is engaged with many important faith-based, environmental, and justice organizations and contributions to the world community are great. He is very involved with Boulder’s rabbinic community through Haver and an active member of a local interfaith clergy group through Together Colorado.  An active participant in Limmud Conference in the UK, he served as co-chair in 1996 and 1997 and was a founding board member of Limmud Colorado in 2008.

He is also active in Hazon, America’s largest faith-based environmental organization, and he serves as the national chair of Hazon’s Rabbinical Advisory Board, as well as a member of Hazon’s Colorado Advisory Board.  This involvement has helped Bonai Shalom’s greening work, which has been recognized nationally.

Essential contributions to our world community include:

  •  Summer 2011, Rabbi Marc was in Ghana as part of a Rabbinic Delegation with American Jewish World Service, volunteering with a grantee in the south of the country, rehabilitating child slaves in the region.
  •  2011/2012, Rabbi Marc was a fellow of the prestigious Rabbis Without Borders program with The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership in New York. He is also a graduate of the 5th Rabbinic Cohort of the Institute of Jewish Spirituality, a two-year program for Jewish leaders in mindfulness meditation practices.
  • 2012, the film A Fire in the Forest premiered in several cities. This documentary film, hosted and narrated by Rabbi Marc, traces the historical and spiritual legacy of the Baal Shem Tov.
  • 2015, the film Treasure Under the Bridge premiered in several cities.  In Treasure Under the Bridge, Rabbi Marc Soloway invites us on his journey to modern-day Ukraine to visit the graves of  Hasidic Masters as he tries to establish a connection with the famous names that have so long occupied a place in his imagination. Along the way, he introduces us to the colorful characters he meets, and we get to see for ourselves the burial places of these Hasidic masters in Uman, Bratzlav, Anipol, Berditchev, Gnatovka, and Mezhibozh, as Soloway tells us stories and anecdotes of each master.

You can reach Rabbi Marc at, or by calling the office at 303-442-6605. You can use this link to schedule an appointment with him using Calendly. Learn more about Rabbi Marc: Story: The Tree of LifeStory: The Angel of FriendshipStory: A Fire in the ForestJDOV Talk – Breath Medicine

Executive Director


Director of Congregational Learning 

Rabbi Jacob Chatinover joined Bonai in the summer of 2024 as our full-time Education Director. In his many roles as an educator, he has taught all ages, including in Hebrew College’s Teen Beit Midrash, and he has served as a Jewish outdoor educator at Teva, Hazon, Pearlstone, Eden Village Camp, Ramah in the Rockies, and Bamidbar Wilderness Therapy.

His prior synagogue experience includes roles as a rabbinic apprentice and as b’nei mitzvah program director. Jacob has studied at Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah, the Northwoods Kollel, Yeshivat Hadar, and holds a BA in Near Eastern & Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. He also recently completed his Rabbinic Ordination and Masters of Jewish Studies at the rabbinical school of Hebrew College in Newton, MA.

Jacob brings deep learning, passion, and experience to his work. His favorite type of Torah learning is when a text describes an experience we’ve had with a perfect image. In addition to Torah learning, Jacob likes singing, sleeping outdoors, mending things, pickling, collecting quotes, and reading comic books. You can get in touch with him at

Administrative Staff

April Tardy, Office Manager

Mags Leach, Communications Director

Annabelle Farris, Kitchen Manager

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785