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Artefactual Language - Letter Bet

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 5 Adar 5785

7:00 PM - 8:15 PMVirtual

Join us on a quest to learn the mystical ancient Hebrew script which some believe was the script originally used to record the Torah. The ancient Hebrew script has roots in the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt and connections to all major ancient languages. Each letter of this script is also a picture which provides a basic meaning, a morpheme. As a set of 22 (or 27) letters, their pattern can be observed throughout the abstract world of writing and the physical world including in the human body and quantum physics.  Therefore, Hebrew words are unique among the words of all world languages because their Hebrew letters contain their innate meanings. In this exciting philosophy of language class, we will look deeply at our Ancient Alphabet, its connections to other ancient alphabets and hieroglyphs, its transformational power as a medium for Kabbalah and the Shechinah, and highlight many examples of two letter word roots as examples focusing on words starting with the letter Bet.


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Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785