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School Registration 24-25

School Registration

There is a lot of information required on this form. If you have more than one child, please fill out all the details for all children. If you choose the number of children you want to register and no fields appear, please choose 0 and then choose the number of children again. If fields still don't appear, please call the office to register.
You DO NOT need to pay in full for school at the time of registration, but you must complete your payment plan by June 1, 2025. You will have the option to set up a payment plan at the end of the form. Contact the office if anything changes during the school year. 

If you choose to bill to your account, you can set up a payment plan for all charges (membership dues, school tuition, fees, etc.) by visiting

If you would like to apply for financial aid, please email Jennifer at
If you are having technical difficulties completing this form, please call the office at 303-442-6605 to complete your registration.

Family Information


Children's Information
Please answer all questions in this section.

If you don't see a field to choose the number of children, make sure you've answered all questions on this form. If you submit the form without inputting the information for your child(ren), your registration is not complete.

(for the 2024-2025 school year)
Please list if your child has an IEP, 504 Plan, or Behavior Intervention Plan here.
(for the 2024-2025 school year)
Please list if your child has an IEP, 504 Plan, or Behavior Intervention Plan here.

Releases & Acknowledgments 

Please note: Accepting the Consent for Treatment Policy and the Emergency Medical Permission Policy is required in order to enroll your child(ren). Thank you!

I do hereby authorize CBS staff to contact directly the emergency persons named, and do authorize the named physician or dentist to render such treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency for the health of my child. In the event the named physician or dentist is not available at the time of my child's emergency, I hereby authorize the physician or dentist to whom my child is subsequently referred to render such treatment as may be necessary for the health of my child. I do not hold CBS financially or legally responsible for the emergency care and/or transportation for my child(ren).
 In the case of an accident or acute illness, CBS staff shall attempt to notify the parents first. If neither parents nor the emergency contacts can be reached, the CBS staff is hereby authorized to take whatever action, including the use of an ambulance, if deemed necessary in their judgment for the health and safety of your child.
I give my permission for my child to be photographed during normal school hours and I agree that their picture may be used to publicize CBS Religious School through the CBS website, school emails, Facebook page, publications, flyers, or brochures.
We like to share photos and videos of students in action in our parent communications. We respect your right to opt out of photos and videos, and it may disrupt your child's learning or involvement in some activities when group photos are taken. Please communicate with your child about your preference for opting out of photos so that they are also aware.
I give permission for my child to be transported in a car or van during school hours by a driver upon the director's approval to and from CBS Religious School programs.

Volunteer Opportunities

Financial Aid

Please email to apply for financial aid

Please enter an amount of your choosing. If you don't want to contribute at this time, put a 0 in the field.

If you submit the form without inputting the information for your child(ren), your registration is not complete. 
After you click "Submit", the form will take you to a page to set up payment. If you would like to set up a payment plan without making an initial payment, you must select "Pay in Full" and then choose the option "Bill to Account". From there, you can email to set up a payment plan.
Please email if you are having technical difficulties.

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785