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For many years Congregation Bonai Shalom and the Boulder Chapter of Hadassah have worked together selling King Soopers gift cards, Safeway gift cards and Sprouts gift cards.  In the past, the proceeds from this fund raising program, split 50/50, raises about $2000 per group per year.  This program continues to run under the leadership of Karen Diamond and Lois Linsky, and moving forward, will be supervised by Congregation Bonai Shalom with the profits still split 50/50 with the Boulder Chapter of Hadassah and Bonai Shalom. We thank you for your support!


Please do the following to make sure our organizations (Congregation Bonai Shalom and Boulder Chapter of Hadassah) continue to share in the profits of the King Soopers' program:

1. Go to
2. Log into your King Soopers rewards card account.**
3. Once logged in, on the right side of the page, under: “My Account," click on "Community Rewards.”
4. Enter Boulder Chapter of Hadassah or 
FS816 and click: Enroll.
IF YOU DON’T HAVE A REWARDS CARD,  please visit the King Soopers Customer Service Desk to get signed up.  New users will need to create an account (on the King Soopers site) which requires some basic information, a valid email address and your rewards card.

That’s it!  Every time you shop and SWIPE your registered King Soopers' Rewards Card, OR USE THE PHONE NUMBER THAT IS RELATED TO YOUR REGISTERED CARD, your purchases count toward our organizations.  You may use whatever means you wish to pay for your groceries.

Please do the following to make sure our organizations (Congregation Bonai Shalom and Boulder Chapter of Hadassah) continue to share in the profits of the Safeway program:

1. Contact Karen Diamond HERE to receive a Safeway $5.00 gift card.  ID number on this card is registered to Congregation Bonai Shalom and          BoulderChapter of Hadassah.  
2. After receiving this gift card, you may add money to this card, USING YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD, at any Safeway register before you start scanning your groceries.  Or, you may go to the Safeway service desk to add money to the Safeway card.
3. You may add money to your card up to $500 per transaction.
4. Record the Safeway ID number, for safekeeping - should you misplace the card.  Get a new card from Karen Diamond and the remaining monies on your misplaced card will be transferred to the new card.
5. Members who already have a Safeway gift card that was given to them by Bonai or Hadassah do not need a new card.  Your card is already registered.  If you want to confirm this, contact Karen.

Please do the following to make sure our organizations (Congregation Bonai Shalom and Boulder Chapter of Hadassah) continue to share in the profits of the Sprouts program:

1. Contact Karen Diamond HERE to purchase/make arrangements to pick up Sprouts Gift Cards ($100 denominations). 
2. Sprouts cards are not re-chargeable and need to be thrown away when no balance remains.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785