Shabbat Shalom from London!
07/14/2023 10:59:28 AM
I am so grateful for the adventurous travels that I have been blessed with this summer so far. I am still processing the 6 days that I spenRead more...
Reflections from Krakow on July 4th
07/04/2023 09:40:03 AM
It has been an unbelievable 6 days in Poland with my old friend and colleague Rabbi Greg Alexander from Cape Town, South Africa. On ThursdaRead more...
International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Shabbat Shalom
01/27/2023 02:12:19 PM
Last week, I had the honor of speaking at the Boulder City Council and receiving the certificate signed Mayor Aaron Brockett decRead more...
Kristallnacht - Lest we Forget
11/09/2022 12:08:13 PM
Today is the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the horrific "night of broken glass" when Jewish shops, businesses and homes weRead more...
The Burning Palace - Shabbat Shalom!
11/04/2022 10:37:48 AM
As we enter into the Shabbat of the Torah's third parsha, Lech L'Cha, in the week following Israel's election and preceding the Read more...
Shabbat Shalom - The Light of Creation!
10/21/2022 11:29:03 AM
"Our bodies churn with creativity rooted in the beginning of time.”
This line jumped out to me from an article by Brian Thomas Swimme calRead more...
Brokenness, Healing and Repair - Yom Kippur Sermon 5783
10/06/2022 12:11:34 PM
Brokenness, Healing and Repair
I imagine many of us have memories of the last words spoken to us by a loved one, or an honored teacher before they died and the impact they had on us. Recently I was remembering the last words my teacher Reb Zalman said to me a couple of weeks before he died 8 years ago when I visited him in hospital, not knowing it was going to be...Read more...
Lu Y'Hi - Let it Be! Kol Nidre Sermon 5783
10/06/2022 12:02:14 PM
Lu Yehi - Let it Be - Kol Nidre 5783
Lu Yehi, Lu Yehi, Ana, Lu Yehi
Kol shenevakesh - Lu Yehi.
May it be, may it be - Please - may it be
All that we seek, all that we ask for - may it be.
These words are very familiar to some of us and probably not at all to others. They are from the chorus of a very popular song by Nomi Shemer written in 1973....Read more...
Shabbat of Prayer and Returning
09/30/2022 03:47:36 PM
Rosh Hashanah Dialogue with Rabbi Marc Soloway and Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny
09/29/2022 09:00:05 AM
About Time! Rosh HaShanah Sermon 5783
09/27/2022 10:29:20 PM
Entering 5783 with Gratitude and Sweetness!
09/25/2022 03:23:20 PM
We are just a few hours away from entering a new year on the Jewish calendar and our sacred space is set at the JCC ready for aRead more...
The end of an Era - May the Queen's Memory be a blessing!
09/09/2022 12:29:55 PM
New Moon Shabbat - The Month of Connection!
08/26/2022 12:25:22 PM
This Shabbat is Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, bringing Sabbath and new moon together in an auspicious conjunction. This Rosh Chodesh Read more...
A Eulogy for Bill Nagel
08/19/2022 02:36:37 PM
Bill Nagel - May 31st, 1950 - August 16th, 2022
“And in the end it is not the y
Love and Comfort - Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Marc
08/12/2022 03:04:52 PM
Did you see that bright, full moon last night illuminating the sky? Full moons are special and inspiring and, on the Jewish Read more...
Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Marc
08/05/2022 04:40:50 PM
Hope everyone is surviving the heat as new records are reached across the country and the world. I was in London when the temRead more...
Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Marc
07/22/2022 11:18:21 AM
Gabbi, Ella, Emma, Noa, Arielle are the five young people who have a Bat Mitzvah at Bonai Shalom between August and October, inRead more...
Shabbat Reflections from the River
07/15/2022 04:58:05 AM
Our beloved teacher Morah Yehudis forwarded an email with the subject line from this quote by the neurosRead more...
Shabbat Reflections from London
07/08/2022 05:21:34 AM
Another week has gone by and it seems that every day brings some news of the chaos, instability and violence in this world. IRead more...
Shabbat Reflections from London
07/01/2022 10:04:59 AM
Shabbat Reflections and Supreme Court Decision
06/24/2022 12:59:59 PM
Like most of us, I am deeply disturbed by this morning's actions of The Supreme Court to overturn a 50 year old legal precedent allowing womeRead more...
Shabbat Shalom from Camp!
06/17/2022 12:10:49 PM
Greetings from Ramah of the Rockies! It is such a joy and privilege to be here among the staff and campers, incRead more...
Downloading Torah!
06/03/2022 01:47:23 PM
Dear {{first_name}},
This Shabbat is the last day of the Omer, day forty nine, seven complete weeks. Some ofRead more...
D'Var Torah May 28, 2022 Parshat Bechukotai
05/30/2022 10:02:59 PM
In Parshat Bechukotai
Read more...Shabbat Reflections from Rabbi Marc
05/27/2022 05:14:08 PM
It is heartbreaking to enter yet another Shabbat in the wake of a horrific mass shooting and, of course, we are all reeling at these senselesRead more...
Parshat Kedoshim - Words of Torah from Alabama
05/08/2022 12:53:14 PM
I never imagined that if Covid finally got me, I would be stuck in Alabama of all places! Actually, I feel so grateful to be the recipient of classic, loving, generous Southern hospitality in my quarantine in a beautiful guest house in Birmingham, after an intense week with an interfaith clergy group in Montgomery, witnessing the horrors of history in the legacy of slavery, lynching, segregation and mass incarceration. ...Read more...
D'var Torah: Shabbat Service April 30, 2022
05/01/2022 09:17:04 PM
"The Reward of a Mitzvah is another Mitzvah!"