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Baruch Dayan HaEmet - David Greenwald

03/11/2025 04:05:01 PM


I am very sad to inform you of the death on Tuesday afternoon of my good friend David Greenwald, who passed away peacefully from cancer.  HeRead more...

Shabbat Zachor - What are we Remembering?

03/07/2025 06:18:56 AM


There have been some heated discussions on some of the rabbis’ listservs that I am on pleading for suggestions for alternative readings for this weeRead more...

Shabbat, New Moon, Joy and Sanctuary

02/28/2025 09:59:22 AM


Today and tomorrow, Friday and Shabbat, are Rosh Hodesh, the new moon of the month of Adar.  The rabbis of the Talmud (Ta’anit 29a) say “mi sh’Read more...

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem after a hard week

02/21/2025 07:28:51 AM


Once again I have the unbelievable privilege to be spending another Shabbat in Jerusalem after an excruciatingly hard week.  We have just returned frRead more...

A Eulogy for Alan Megibow z"l

02/07/2025 08:07:37 AM


Yesterday we buried a very beloved soul, Alan Megibow and the tributes for him were so moving and beautiful.  He was an absolute mensch who will be gRead more...

Rabbi Heschel, Reverend King, Midwives and Hostages

01/17/2025 04:00:02 PM


So many in Israel and around the world are waiting with bated breath for the 33 hostages, slated to be released in this long awaited deal, to emerge, Read more...

Fires, Fasting and Strength

01/10/2025 07:44:09 AM


We are all watching with horror as we see parts of LA engulfed in flames taking lives and 1000s of structures, including schools and places of worshipRead more...

The Lights of Chrismukkah Musings

12/24/2024 07:10:57 PM


So many people have been expressing how hard it is to find any joy in this holiday season.  Many of us are tired and feeling somewhat hopeless about Read more...

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem

12/13/2024 05:46:29 AM


Once again I find myself in my favorite city in the world just a few hours before shabbat and am reflecting on an extremely intense and powerful week Read more...

20 Years of Gratitude!

08/22/2024 01:49:03 PM


Dear Friends,
I am still overwhelmed, humbled and full of gratitude for the incredible event on Sunday honoring my 20 years as Bonai Shalom's rabbi.Read more...

A Eulogy for Barbara Trager z"l

07/09/2024 10:00:52 PM


A Eulogy for Barbara Trager, delivered on Tuesday July 9th at Bonai Shalom before we laid her to rest.  A sad day indeed. Rabbi Marc

Shabbat Shalom from Ramah of the Rockies!

06/21/2024 12:16:29 PM


Once again, I am so privileged and grateful to be spending time at this wonderful Jewish summer camp, Ramah of the Rockies.  An astonishing Read more...

Yom HaZikkaron - Honoring their Memories

05/12/2024 04:03:05 PM


On this American Mother's Day, Israel is already in the midst of the very somber Yom Hazikaron, memorial day.  This year's commemoration will be likeRead more...

Mah Nishtana - How different is this Passover!

04/22/2024 09:58:57 AM


Mah nishtana, the introduction to the Four Questions, sung by the youngest child at tables across the Jewish world on this night, asks "how is this niRead more...

IMPORTANT: Early Registration Discounts for CBS School - Calendar

04/15/2024 04:47:05 PM


Please note that we will send out an updated calendar next week.  Thank you for your patience! RSVP for 4/19 Family Kabbalat Shabbat Here RegisRead more...

IMPORTANT: Early Registration Discounts for CBS School

04/15/2024 04:17:01 PM


Dear families,

Please join us to meet a finalist as we prepare to select and welcome a new Education Director! We have added Family Kabbalat ShabbatRead more...

A Surreal and Scary Night

04/14/2024 09:25:24 AM


After a sweet and celebratory Shabbat in Tel Aviv for my cousin Libby's Bat Mitzvah, we wandered over to the protests, which were much more sRead more...

What Gives you hope? Shabbat Shalom from Tel Aviv

04/12/2024 06:03:35 AM


Shabbat Shalom from Tel Aviv
At the Shabbat table in Jerusalem last Friday, our host, my old friend Nigel Savage, asked us to go round and say who we Read more...

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem

04/05/2024 07:03:19 AM


Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem

An old friend invited me to join a group in the Old City to hand out dates and water to Muslims in East Jerusalem endinRead more...

Zone of Discomfort - Listening Circle

03/15/2024 02:45:39 PM


Some of you know that my oldest friend in the world is Jonathan Glazer whose brilliant film, Zone of Interest, set in Auschwitz, won two AcadRead more...

From London with Love - Shabbat Shalom

11/09/2023 11:00:54 PM


Thank you for the messages of condolence on the loss of my Uncle Peter, my mother's baby brother, and for the support from our leadership that has enRead more...

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem

11/03/2023 07:52:45 AM


What does it mean to wish each other a Shabbat Shalom when we are in the midst of an awful war?  Here in Israel, everyone, secular and religious, shoRead more...

Live from Israel - Wednesday at 1pm and blog

10/31/2023 04:38:58 PM


I arrived in Israel early on Monday morning to join a Solidarity Mission and have had a very full and intense couple of days.  There is so mRead more...

Solidarity Shabbat Shalom from London!

10/27/2023 04:26:09 AM


As some of you know, I was meant to be in Israel this week celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of a cousin in the beautiful and historic Neveh TzedekRead more...

A Message from Rabbi Marc

10/10/2023 10:24:07 AM


We are devastated and heartbroken in the wake of brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas in southern Israel and the ongoing atrocities and attacks from two borders. With over 1000 Israelis dead, the scale of this is unimaginable and unbearable and the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. So many in our community have family members in Israel, many of whom have been called up for service. We all know someone who knows someone who has been...Read more...

Ashamnu, Ahavnu - We have Abused and Loved, We have Betrayed and Blessed - Yom Kippur 5784

09/28/2023 04:26:25 PM



Many people will know the story about the Rabbi who a few days before Yom Kippur is so overcome by feelings of humility that he walked into the sanctuary of his shul,prostrated himself in front of the aron hakodesh, started frantically beating his chest “I’m nobody, I’m nothing, I’m nobody, I’m nothing.” After a few minutes the chazzan walked in and saw his colleague and decided it’s...Read more...

July Journeys - Bringing the Past to the Future - Kol Nidrei 5784

09/28/2023 01:09:38 PM


On July 1st I shared a Shabbat lunch in Kazimierz, the Jewish quarter of Krakow in Poland with Marcel and his wife Marya on their 66th wedding anniversary. Marcel Zielinski was born into Krakow’s thriving Jewish community in September 1934. By 1941, he and his family were relocated to the Ghetto until Marcel was interned in the Plaszow concentration camp, built just outside the city. In October 1944, he and his father...Read more...

The Days in Between - Rosh HaShanah sermons

09/20/2023 01:09:43 PM


A few people have been asking about the Rosh HaShanah messages and I am happy to share the recordings on you tube here, with the text of sermon on AWRead more...

Shabbat Comfort and peace - Coming Home with a New Torah!

07/28/2023 10:55:28 AM


I am just preparing for my last Shabbat in London before returning next week to Boulder with our old-new Torah!  The Shabbat after the painfRead more...

Shabbat Shalom - Rebuilding the World through Love

07/21/2023 12:10:00 PM


This Shabbat is called Shabbat Hazon after the vision of Isiah seeing the destruction of Jerusalem. It is the Shabbat that comes before TishaRead more...
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785